経営管理 在留資格更新 必要書類
Documents for visa extension (Business Manager)
- 住民税の課税証明書(直近年度) *1
- 住民税の納税証明書(直近2年分) *1
- 在留カード
- パスポート
- 証明写真(4cm×3cm)
- 申請書
- 前年分の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表(税務署受領印があるもの又は税務署からのメール詳細) *2
- 決算書 *2 *3
- 申請書
*1 各年度1月1日時点で居住していた市区町村役場にて発行。例えば、東京都港区在住であれば、東京都港区役所が発行。
*2 ご依頼の税理士さんにご相談ください
*3 下記の説明を参照してださい
Simple extension (without change of job)
- Taxation certificate of resident tax (Kazei shomeisho) (latest year) *1
- Tax payment certificates of resident tax (Nozei shomeisho) (latest 2 years) *1
- Residence card
- Passport
- Id photo (4cm 3cm or jpg file)
- Signed application form
Employer company
- Form about total amount of annual salary and withholding tax (stamped by tax office or with confirmation email of tax office) *2
- Financial statement *2 *3
- Sealed application form
*1 Issued by the ward office of the city, in which applicant resided as of January 1 of each fiscal year. For example, if the applicant lived in Minato-ku, Minato-ku’s ward office issues these certificates.
*2 Please ask company’s accountant or CPA about it.
*3 Please read the note below.
- 履歴書
- 過去の申請書(もしあれば)
For first engagement with us
- Curriculum Vitae
- Application forms of past application (if any)
- 貸借対照表
- 損益計算書
- 株主資本等変動計算書
- 個別注記表
Note about financial statement
Financial statement means the following documents:
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss statement
- Statement of changes in net assets
- Notes to non-consolidated financial statements