技術・人文知識・国際業務 在留資格認定・更新 必要書類
Status change or Certificate of Eligibility (Engineer, Specialist in Humanity, International Services)
- 課税証明書(直近年度) *1
- 納税証明書(直近2年分) *1
- 履歴書
- 大学の卒業証明書(コピー)
- 大学の成績証明書(コピー)
- 日本語能力試験の合格証(N1-N5)
- 在留カード
- パスポート
- 証明写真
- 申請書
- 前年分の給与所得の源泉徴収票等の法定調書合計表(税務署受領印があるもの又は税務署からのメール詳細) *2
- 労働条件通知書又は雇用契約書
- 直近年度の決算書
- 履歴事項全部証明書又は登記情報
- 会社案内
- 申請書
*1 各年度1月1日時点で居住していた市区町村役場にて発行
*2 税理士にご相談ください
Required documents
- Taxation certificate (Kazei shomeisho) (latest year) *1
- Tax payment certificate (Nozei shomeisho) (latest 2 years) *1
- Curriculum vitae
- Graduation certificate of university
- Transcript of university
- N1-N5 certificate (if any)
- Residence card
- Passport
- Id photo (4cm 3cm or jpg file)
- Signed application form
Employer company
- Form about total amount of annual salary and withholding tax *2
- Employment notice or agreement with applicant
- Latest financial statement
- Company certificate or online commercial registration copy
- Brochure
- Sealed application form
*1 Issued by the ward office of the city, in which applicant resided as of January 1 of each fiscal year.
*2 Please ask company’s accountant or CPA about it.
- 貸借対照表
- 損益計算書
- 株主資本等変動計算書
- 個別注記表
Note about financial statement
Financial statement means the following documents:
- Balance sheet
- Profit and loss statement
- Statement of changes in net assets
- Notes to non-consolidated financial statements